1. What is Infant Baptism?

The Sacrament of Baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church, and are made sharers in her mission. Through baptism, we become part of the royal, priestly people of God, called to holy lives of prayer and service.

2. When are Infant Baptisms available?

Infant baptisms are normally conducted every third (3rd) Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM.

3. How to apply for Infant Baptism’s and what is required?

It is necessary to fill out an application form that can be obtained from the Office at the Church Rectory.
The following information will be required:
1) A Copy of the Baptismal Certificate of at least one parent
2) A copy of the Baptismal Certificate of at least one sponsor
3) Child's birth certificate.

Parents and sponsors are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Class.

A Certificate of Baptism will be presented to each family after the ceremony.
For more detail or direct contact with a person in charge, please contact the ICC by email


1. What is the Catechism?

Catechism classes are made for children of 6 to 12 years to let them study the teachings or the Catholic faith.

2. When are Catechism classes held?

Classes are held in English and in person normally on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month before the 9:30 Mass.
The Catechism year starts mid-September together with the Western academic year, but late registration is also possible after discussing with the teachers.
First Communion is normally conducted mid-June, before the end of the school period

3. How to register for Catechism classes?

If you want to register your children, please contact the ICC by e-mail. You will be directed to an in-charge person.


1. What is the Sacrament of Confirmation?

The Sacrament of Confirmation confirms membership in the Christian community and seals Baptism with an anointing. Confirmation consists of a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the laying on of hands while the prayer is said, and the anointing of the candidate with oil of Chrism.
It’s considered a sacrament of initiation which means that it brings you deeper into communion with the Church.

2. Who administers the sacrament and who is it intended for?

The sacrament of Confirmation is normally administered by the Bishop once a year.
It is intended for two kinds of persons;
1) Young people of 13-14 years old who went through the catechism classes and have had their first Communion
2) Adults who have not received the sacrament.
Pre-confirmation classes are necessary, they are normally held once or twice per month on Sundays after the Mass.
Classes are starting in October.
For more information, please contact the ICC by email


1. What is the Adult Catechism?

The rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully.” (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults # 1)

2. How can I find out more about the Adult Catechism?

If you are an adult interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith, whether baptized or non-baptized, we have a RCIA course at the Sacred Heart Cathedral. The timing of classes is normally aligned with the children’s Catechism but can be adapted according to the availability of each one. If you want to know more about RCIA, please contact the ICC by email and you will be directed to the in-charge person.


1. What does the Church teach about the Sacrament of Matrimony?

Marriage is the unique Sacrament which binds one man and one woman together in a covenant under God and His Church. It is a Sacrament of vocation, a response to a specific calling that God has placed in the hearts of a couple. It is a bond that lasts for life which is permanent, faithful, and fruitful. Marriage is not just about two people, but is the foundation of the family, the ‘domestic church’, the most basic and foundational structure, not only for the Church, but for all of society.

2. I want to get married at the Cathedral. What are the basic requirements for the wedding?

Couples begin the process by booking/ reserving their desired wedding date and submit all the requirements prior to the actual wedding date. Required documents include:
- Photocopy of the baptismal certificate of both parties
- Copy of Baptismal Certificate
- Copy of Confirmation Certificate
- Civil Marriage Certificate (if civilly married)
- Certificate of Attendance in the Pre-Marriage Preparation Programs (min. 2 sessions)
- Canonical Interview (with the Priest)
- Plus additional requirements (for certain cases).

3. What things in particular should persons arranging for their marriage make known to the priest?

Persons arranging for their marriage should make known to the priest whether both are Christians and Catholics; whether either has been solemnly engaged to another person; whether they have ever made any vow to God with regards to chastity or the like; whether they are related and to what degree.

4. Why does a Catholic wedding have to take place in a church?

For Catholics, marriage is not just a social or family event, but a church event. For this reason, the Church prefers those marriages between Catholics, or between Catholics and other Christians, be celebrated in the parish church of one of the spouses. Only the local bishop can permit a marriage to be celebrated in another suitable place.


1. What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation, also known as Confession or Penance, is a beautiful expression of the infinite mercy and love that God has for all of us. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the penitent, that is the one seeking forgiveness, meets one on one with a priest to confess their sins. With sincere contrition and intent to not sin again, they will receive formal absolution and often pastoral encouragement concerning the Christian struggle with sin.

Adult Christians are encouraged to consider approaching this sacrament at least twice a year especially during Advent and Lent.

2. When is the Sacrament of Reconciliation administered?

Confession Times:

Every Friday 3:00PM to 4:30PM (*)
Every 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Saturday 3:00PM to 4:00PM
During Holy Hour Benediction 7:15PM to 8:00PM (First Fridays)

If the above noted days and times are not convenient, an appointment with the Priest may also be made to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
(*) It is recommended to check with the Church Office at 045-641-0735 in advance.


1. What is the organization of the Yamate Catholic Church?

In the Yamate Church, believers are organized into 4 Groups or Societies:
- The Joseph Society, for adult men
- The Rosario Society, for adult women
- The Youth Group, for children and youth of both sexes
- The International Community, for English speaking Foreigners.
In addition to the 4 parishioners’ Groups, there are several Ministries which handle specific tasks, like Liturgy, Sacristy, Choir, Education, Charity, Hospitality, Finance, Building Maintenance, Home Page etc.
The Head of the Parish is the Head Priest
He is assisted by:
- The Parish Council, the Parish’s Governing Body
- The Church Office.

2. What is the position of the International Community in Yamate Church?

The International Community is one of the 4 Parish Groups.
However, because of the language barrier, it has:
- Separate Masses in English
- An English speaking Pastor
- Several autonomous Ministries
- A governing body assisting the Pastor, the ICC, (International
- Community Council)

3. What are the current International Community’s Ministries?

The current ministries are as follows:
- Liturgy group: preparation of Masses, appointment of Lectors and commentators.
- Altar servers: finding, training and managing altar servers for both Saturday and Sunday Masses.
- Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
- Choir: currently we have a Saturday and a Sunday Choir. We are always seeking to reinforce the choirs and in particular persons able to play the organ or guitar.
- Sacristy: persons who have access to the Sacristy and can prepare what is needed for the celebration of Masses
- Hospitality: ushers or usherettes who can welcome and guide attendees to Mass.
- Education: Catechism, Confirmation, Adult Catechism (RCIA) and Bible Study. This is one of the very important ministries, because it deals with passing the Faith to the next generation.
- Outreach: for persons who want to help people in need, whether from the Foreign Community or others.
- Events: managing events such as the Coffee Social; Potluck dinners, picnics, Carols Night, Easter Head Hunting etc.
We are always looking for new people for the Ministries. If you are willing to serve your community, contact the ICC.

4. How does the ICC (International Community Council) work?

- The Council is composed of around 12 persons.
- New members are co-opted by the current members with the agreement of the Pastor.
- Some members may also be part of a ministry.
- The ICC convenes monthly around the Pastor on the 3rd Sunday after the English Mass.
- The Chairperson is chosen by the members with the agreement of the Pastor.
- It takes all decisions necessary for the life of the community.
- It sends a representative to the Parish Council.

A brief history of Catholicism in Japan

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