Left Altar
In the center is a statue of the Virgin Mary, and on the left is St. Bernadette, who received an apparition of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France in 1858. On the right is Isabella and 4-year-old Ignatius, both of whom were martyred in Nagasaki in 1622.
Central Alta
The "Sacred Heart of Jesus"' above has a heart aflame with Christ's love on its chest. The proper name of Yamate Church is "Sacred Heart Cathedral Yokohama". The sculpture below is the Last Supper.
Right Altar
In the center is a statue of St. Joseph, on the right is St. Paulo Miki, one of the 26 martyrs, on the left is St. Aloysius who died at the age of 24, and the lower sculpture is the miracle of the loaves and fishes.
Miracle of the Wedding at Cana
(Left side under the altar)
The Last Supper
(Below the central altar)
The miracle of the five loaves and two fishes
(Below the right side altar)
Coat of arms of Bishop Raphael Masahiro Umemura
Interior layout diagram of the church
Stained glass
The Virgin and Child statue is popular in Prague, Czech Republic. The martyr Father John of Nepomuk is praying before it seated on heavenly clouds. The view below is Charles Bridge over the Vltava River. In the background is Prague Castle and St. Vitus Cathedral.
As the mother church of the Diocese of Yokohama, the bishop's seat is established here, and the bishop's emblem is displayed here. There are churches in four prefectures: Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Yamanashi, and Nagano. The Bishop is the highest authority for all those churches.
Pipe Organ
Located on the second floor at the back of the church.
Old Pulpit
Although it is hardly used now, there is a pulpit, which is rare in Japanese churches.
Stations of the Cross
The purpose is to help the faithful to make a spiritual pilgrimage through contemplation of the Passion of Christ