Information on the measures against propagation of the Corona Virus.

Do not come to church


Information on the measures against
propagation of the Corona Virus

The Yamate Catholic Church (Sacred Heart Cathedral) has decided to take measures against the propagation of the coronavirus.
Media are reporting daily about the extension and seriousness of the epidemy. Masks and other hygiene goods are in short supply and many persons have a heightened awareness of the necessary precautions. In that context and in order to avoid group infection, the Government has requested to avoid gathering numerous people in confined spaces.
Considering that the closeness between churchgoers during the Sunday masses presented a high risk of contagion, the Yamate Catholic Church has been requested to reconsider the necessity of such celebrations. Giving priority to the limitation of the virus propagation, our Church has decided to adopt the below mentioned precautionary measures. We ask everybody’s understanding and cooperation.

About persons coming to Church

As a precautionary measure, the following persons are requested to refrain from coming to Church:
  • Persons not feeling well
  • Persons with fever or suffering from fatigue
  • Persons with a chronic illness
For the others please decide whether you should come or not after reading the following conditions:
  • Wearing a mask is compulsory, if you do not have one, please refrain from coming.
  • Avoid bringing small children
It is reported that some infected persons do not show any symptom. It means that it cannot guaranteed that no infected person is coming to the Church. This is why masks are requested for all in order to limit the risk of infecting other persons. In the same way it is difficult to prevent small children to touch things or people and in view of the increased risk of contamination we ask churchgoers’ understanding and to avoid bringing small children to the Church In addition, in order to avoid situation of close contact between visitors, the access to other premises of the Church will also be limited. Let’s pray for a quick improvement of the current conditions.

About Masses

From March 1 to April 5, the schedule of Masses will be as follow
There will be no 7:00 am Mass on weekdays
Saturday Masses, 5:00 pm in Japanese and 7:00 pm in English are suspended.
Sunday 7:30 am Mass in Japanese and 9:30 pm in English are also suspended
There will be no Mass in French on the third Saturday at 6:00 pm.


Japanese Sunday 11:30
Spanish 4th Sunday 14:00

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